"Future Present" (Short Film)
On her 20th birthday, a young woman meets her doppelganger who comes to replace her.
Written & Directed by Mia Ginaé
Produced by Daniel Spiller
Director of Photography: Tyler Oberle
Edited by Daniel Spiller
Jordan Fraizer
Jack Vincenty
Music: David Linares & Jacob Gordner
Sound Design: Nicholas Kurtz
Associate Producer: Isis Malone
Gaffer: Franklin Kramer
Sound: Christopher Greene
Script Supervisor: Jessica Grembowski
Written & Directed by Mia Ginaé
Produced by Daniel Spiller
Director of Photography: Tyler Oberle
Edited by Daniel Spiller
Jordan Fraizer
Jack Vincenty
Music: David Linares & Jacob Gordner
Sound Design: Nicholas Kurtz
Associate Producer: Isis Malone
Gaffer: Franklin Kramer
Sound: Christopher Greene
Script Supervisor: Jessica Grembowski