"Revenant" (Short Film)
Pandora, a curious girl, becomes unnerved when pen scrawls in her library book tell of her untimely demise.
Directed by Eric Hernandez
Produced by Daniel Spiller
Written by Devon Gailey
Alyssa McAnany
Daniel Bevins
Jordan Frazier
Director of Photography: Brian Binder
Gaffer: Franklin Kramer
Editors: Daniel Spiller & Eric Hernandez
Special Effects: Chelsea Lindsay
Directed by Eric Hernandez
Produced by Daniel Spiller
Written by Devon Gailey
Alyssa McAnany
Daniel Bevins
Jordan Frazier
Director of Photography: Brian Binder
Gaffer: Franklin Kramer
Editors: Daniel Spiller & Eric Hernandez
Special Effects: Chelsea Lindsay